What people are saying…

Sarah is so intelligent and works in such a calm and considerate manner, so I felt really supported as an actor in the devising room.
Sarah really took the time to understand my process and the meaning of my music. I have learnt so much from her. She has amazing ideas! Feel very privileged and grateful to have had her input.
Working with Sarah has always been overwhelmingly positive and productive, with encouragement to explore your own ideas and trust your own instincts
Sarah fostered a safe and extremely positive environment. She consistently facilitated check-ins with the cast while working so tremendously hard to put together the show. In the end she created a project that taught me somuch and that I could take a lot of pride in.
Sarah creates and holds such a safe, positive & playful space. Ideas and performance seem to come easily when working with Sarah. It really was an absolutely wonderful and informative experience.
With such a strong & supportive facilitator anything is possible. Nothing you brought to the room was ever wrong. I felt validated and had the confidence to share ideas in the safe space that Sarah created.
Sarah really taught me the value in just playing and experimenting with anything and everything and TO TRUST THE PROCESS!
Sarah is very cool, calm and collected creating a really fun and positive atmosphere which enables my scrambled brain to be calm too.
Her ease, warmth and friendliness is underpinned with serious knowledge and skill. Working with Sarah was a joy, gave valuable new insights and was hugely productive